Municipal Manager for Health and Welfare Services in Melhus, Trude WikdahlIt's all about thinking about society in a different way. Not as "us" and "them", but as "we".
Watch the clip: "We have expanded lots, because the app offers so many opportunities".
See Idrettsveien Housing community resident Aron Nørstebø, Head of Unit Idrettsveien Marit Leer Øyaas, Idrettsveien Social Worker Erik Kvam Hansen, Project Manager for Welfare Technology Heidi Pallin Aaring, Head of Municipal Affairs for Health and Welfare Affairs Trude Wikdahl and Supervisor at the Unemployment Office Heidi Skorstad talk about their experience with Nyby.

Case study: Nyby in Melhus
Do you wonder how Melhus implemented and uses Nyby in the municipality? Read the full detailed reference description here, which explains key roles, benefits, prerequisites, process description, etc.
Nyby mentioned in the mayor of Melhus's May 17 speech: "The Nyby app has taken off".
On Norways National Day, we were so lucky to be highlighted during Mayor of Melhus Jorid Jagtøyen's speech. Watch the clip here.
Project Manager for Welfare Technology, Heidi Pallin AaringWe started out in a relatively small scale with Nyby, but we have constantly expanded with more services and businesses, because the app offers so many opportunities.