Get started with Nyby

As important as the digital platform itself is the methodology for implementation. The 21-day plan is inspired by the experiences of our first 50 collaborators, and have proven to provide great results.

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1. Mapping

Who should be in charge of finding available resources for important welfare tasks? What needs do you want to solve? Who can contribute, and where are the available resources to suit the specific needs? Many municipalities and organisations are happy to share their experiences with

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2. Planning

In this phase, you will be equipped with the necessary material and resources to create magical results for the next 21 days. We start out with a meeting with all the key people in the collaboration. Here, we discuss roles and responsibilities, the scope and ambition of the project, as well as establisha specific schedule . When this is done, training and technical setup are carried out so that everyone becomes confident in their role.

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3. The first 21 days

You guys are up and running! The people responsible in your organisation or municipality ensure that tasks are carried out according to what you agreed onduring the planning phase. During this phase, regular meetings are held so that routines can be evaluated, experiences shared, and problems uncovered. We will follow up on and assist you when needed. After the 21-day phase, you are equipped to run Nyby on your own.


4. Operation

From here on out, we will check in with you regularly to ensure that everything is running smoothly, and to discover if there are any ways in which you can expand your use of Nyby to uncover more potential. Together we create the welfare society of the future.

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Change management and progress with the use of a Nyby agent

To ensure a successful implementation and active use of Nyby, it has shown valuable to assign someone the role of "Nyby agent". The Nyby agent is responsible for Nyby in your organisation or municipality, and will therefore be in charge of the progress of the project. This includes tasks such as training employees/members, scheduling meetings and making sure the everyone in the organisation, department or municipality is up to date on, and approving of, Nyby.

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