More than 50 local authorities and organisations use Nyby for resource collaboration
"The potential of such a solution, and the thinking behind it, is almost limitless."
Head of Health and Care Services in Tynset municipality
Free up time for health & care workers
Many healthcare workers spend time on tasks that others could have done and see needs when with patients that they do not have time to solve. With the Nyby app on the service phone, your health employees can share tasks directly with resource persons qualified by organisations you work with. On the service phone, your health employees can share tasks directly with resource persons qualified by organisations you work with.
Win-win task sharing
A task for some can represent an opportunity for others. Contribute to increased inclusion, reduced loneliness and create new paths into labour life through win-win partnerships across departments and organisations, within a safe framework.
Mayor of Melhus municipality, Jorid JagtøyenWe need to think about society in a different way. Not as "us and them", but as "we".
A care revolution is underway
See how more than 50 local authorities and organisations in Norway and Sweden are organising welfare services in new ways through efficient and structured task sharing. Together we create the welfare society of tomorrow.

Is Nyby right for your organisation or municipality?
We work with over 50 local governments and health organisations to improve their resource collaboration. Contact us now to discuss how to get started.
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