Handbook: Pandemic response
Using new technologies to mobilise volunteers and reduce workloads for healthcare staff.
Webinar: How resource collaboration creates win-win situations and a strengthened welfare state
Hear how Melhus municipality in Norway provides relief to health personnel and gets more free hands for important tasks - at the same time as fewer people experience loneliness, more are included and have a lower threshold into labor life.
Webinar: How to succeed with resource collaboration
Hear how the city district of Bydel St. Hanshaugen in Oslo and other partners succeed in implementing Nyby.
News from Nyby
Published: Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid (NAPHA)
Ungdom løser oppgaver for helsetjenesten i bydelen: – Det er vinn-vinn
Published: Nyby
Se opptak: Kan ungt utenforskap løse bemanningskrisa i Helse-Norge?
Published: Nyby
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