Freeing up time for health & care workers
Similar to other welfare technology, Nyby was developed to free up the time for healthcare workers and to provide more assistance to the most vulnerable individuals. COVID-19 has foreshadowed the long anticipated healthcare crisis that Europe will be facing in the future – with increased pressure on our healthcare employees. We therefore find it highly encouraging to note a significant increase, during 2020, in the number of healthcare workers who were able to ask for help with errands, practical assistance, medical escorts, exercise and socialising, directly from qualified residents and volunteers on behalf of those who needed it, via the Nyby app on their work phones.
Inclusion and loneliness
2020 has also truly put loneliness and marginalisation on the agenda. Unlike many other welfare technologies, Nyby is not a tool for replacing people, but for connecting people. What is the value of feeling useful, and the value of being able to contribute? We are making it easier to ask for help and much easier to contribute. We view people as possibilities. Watch the video in which the mayor of Melhus discusses inclusion with Nyby, or click the button below for more inspiration from a number of organizations using Nyby!
The Government's plan for public health care 2015-2020, Ministry of Health and Care ServicesFaceing tomorrow's care challenges, it will be necessary to mobilise society's total care resources in new ways
People are possibilities
See TED Talk about how we, together with local authorities, non-profit and private organisations, have created a new type of digital platform for the welfare society of tomorrow, by combining digital platform power and Nordic welfare values with requirements for security and legal guidelines.
News from Scandinavia
Published: Nyby
Se opptak: Kan ungt utenforskap løse bemanningskrisa i Helse-Norge?
Published: Nyby
Lanserer Nyby Community for alle som utvikler morgendagens velferdsløsninger
Published: Nyby
Nyby lanserer ny løsning i kampen mot ungt utenforskap
Published: Nyby
2024: Startskuddet for omstilling til bærekraftig velferd
Published: Nyby
Fra unge uten arbeidserfaring til viktige samfunnsressurser for eldre
Published: Nyby
Lillestrøm kommune: Økte omsorgskapasiteten med 25 prosent på en uke