Together we'll connect communities and transform public services

Different challenges call for different actions. In partnership with governments, nonprofits and private organisations since 2015, we have developed a digital platform that enables the communities of tomorrow.

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It is necessary to re-organize the collective pool of resources in health care in order to solve the challenges ahead

The Norwegian government's plan for health and care services 2015-2020, The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services

New connections means new possibilities

See the TEDtalk about how we, in collaboration with municipalities, nonprofits and private organisations have created a digital platform to enable the welfare society of tomorrow, and how we have combined the power of the platform economy with the nordic values, security standards and legal compliance.

Is Nyby the right tool for you? Nyby is used by municipalities, home care services, job training services, nonprofits and private companies that want to mobilize new resources for important tasks

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